Friday, February 20, 2009

Where are we heading or are we there now?

(Picture is a 7 month old aborted baby)
A newspaper article about a murder. A murder that will most likely not make the news headlines, not raise so much as an eyebrow on the national news. It won't, but it should.Why should this murder be more important than hundreds of others that go unnoticed every day?Because the case of Shanice Williams is a barometer of where this nation IS ... not where it is going ... but where it is. Here's the sad story of her death.

J. Michael Sharman, Editorial ColumnistPublished: February 10, 2009

Sycloria Williams’ baby girl, Shanice, died shortly after childbirth. The physician who was supposed to have attended Ms. Williams at the facility, “A GYN Diagnostic Center” in Hialeah, didn’t show up. No one else at the clinic, including the owner/operator, BelkisGonzolez, held a medical license of any type and when Sycloria went into labor and delivered her premature baby, no staff member called 911, a neonatologist, or any medical or rescue personnel.

After Shanice was born, Ms. Gonzolez cut the umbilical cord but did nothing else to assist her for the five minutes she lived, and when she died, Gonzalez put the baby in a plastic biohazard bag and threw her in the trashcan. A day later, the police received an anonymous call from a pay phone outside of the clinic stating that a baby had been killed there by employees and the baby’s remains were still on the premises. The police came but could find nothing. Later, the police got another anonymous tip that the baby’s remains were on the roof of the clinic, but the body wasn’t there when they searched. A final anonymous call was made, and this time police found Shanice’s decomposing corpse in a cardboard box.

Sycloria was 18 years old, single and 23 weeks pregnant. She decided she did not have the maturity or resources to care for her child. She paid a down payment of $800 on a $1,200 abortion fee, and The Miramar Women’s Center referred her to Dr. Pierre Jean-Jacque Renelique who met with her and gave her Laminaria (a drug that dilates the cervix) and three other prescription medications to set her body in motion for the relatively late-term abortion.
Dr. Renelique told her he would meet her and complete the abortion the next day at “A GYN Diagnostic Center”, a Hialeah clinic under the same ownership. Renelique didn’t show up, but the drugs he had given her kept working and the unlicensed staff gave her more medications, and Shanice was born on the floor of the clinic. At that point, as Sycloria’s attorney, Tom Pennecamp, says, “She came face to face with a human being and that changed everything.”

Two weeks after Shanice’s death, the clinic operator, Belkis Gonzalez, was arrested on two felony counts of related to the unlicensed practice of medicine – but not in Shanice’s case. These two counts stemmed from a report that had been made to police two years earlier on November 16, 2004 that “The Miramar Women’s Center” and “A GYN Diagnostic Center” had two unlicensed persons, Robelto Osbourne and Kieron Nisbet, performing abortions. Osbourne’s medical license had been revoked on August 17, 2004 and Nisbet never had been fully licensed in Florida. Osbourne pled guilty on September 23, 2005 and Nisbet fled to Trinidad with arrest warrants issued against him.

Two other clinic employees, Joselin Collado and Adieran Rojas were both charged as part of that investigation and in 2006 pleaded guilty to practicing medicine without a license. The clinic, “A GYN Diagnostic Center”, has now finally surrendered its license and closed.

One of the documents that the Miramar clinic gave to Sycloria was a notice that Dr. Renelique had no current medical malpractice insurance. Renelique’s address of record is in Woodmere, New York 17 and according to state records there, he has made at least five medical malpractice payments in the past decade.

On February 6, 2009, two and a half years after Shanice’s death, the Florida Board of Medicine unanimously voted 19 to revoke Renelique’s medical license. The Homicide Division is still investigating but no criminal charges have yet been filed.

Shanice's body was recovered by police, an autopsy performed, confirming she was breathing on her own when she died.If this doesn't bother you about where we ARE as a nation, I don't know what will.What's worse is that Shanice's mother has hired an attorney and has filed a lawsuit. Maybe she should. But I have very little sympathy. She was old enough to do the deed, but living with responsibility is now a rare thing.What really should happen is this. She went for an abortion, she took the medicine, she went to the clinic. As long as she didn't have to see her daughter, she was willing to let her baby be killed because ... Shanice was an unwanted pregnancy, an inconvenience and hardship.The reality is Shanice's mother should be prosecuted for murder. Along with the doctor, the clinic owner, and anyone else who assisted.But that won't happen.Why?Because our nation has become so desensitized to killing babies, that we don't really care about it any more. And we're so easily swept with emotions of sympathy for a struggling mother who just had "no other way out." But now, she is having a hard time with it having looked her baby in the face.But the truth is, we don't really care about Shanice or her mother.
We care more about bigger issues than throwing babies out in the garbage: like the economy, hard times, unemployment, stock prices.Where do you stand? Is the economy more important than protecting little babies like Shanice? Is money a bigger "moral" issue than innocent, helpless babies? Is protecting little babies like Shanice more important than money? You say, "Yes"? Well, I have one other question for you.
Did you help elect President Obama? Yes or no? If so, why? Certainly not because of his willingness to protect Shanice. No, he has a 100% track record against protecting babies like Shanice.In fact, he ACTIVELY opposed the "Born-Alive Infants Protection Act" (BAIPA). I don't mean he just voted against it. He campaigned against it. But for some reason, a whole lot of people didn't care about the Shanice's in this world, and voted for him anyway. Why? Was it for money? Because of economics? My question to you is this.
If you voted for President Obama, was your reason only skin deep? Was it just because the way he looks. Just because he has a nice wife and two pretty girls and had the right skin color to make history. Quite frankly, I'm getting sick and tired of hearing people who claim to be Christians praise Mr. Obama and glow with pride at having elected the first black President. And don't point fingers at President Bush or McCain or anyone else. They all made plenty of mistakes, too, which we have criticized when appropriate.
This is about taking a hard look at S-E-L-F and examining where we are, why we do what we do. It is a shame and humiliation on our country that we can't reason and think any deeper than skin color ... still. No, we really haven't come very far.Racism is alive and well in 2009 ... it just has a different look. And just like some white people were guilty who turned the other way when black people were lynched and persecuted merely because of their skin color ...... so are those guilty who turned a blind eye to the innocent children being murdered, the corruption of the family, the CONTINUING degradation of morality ... and SUPPORT those who ACTIVELY campaign for what is EVIL and against what is RIGHT in the name of history. That's all.

1 comment:

Unknown said...


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Rev. Robert Wright