Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Hear the Voice? Is it the giant or the giant slayer?

All around us are a multitude of voices calling out our name. So many are trying to give us the advice and direction that will grant to us the tried and true answer. Society seems to have the right solutions at all times, but yet there is such a variety of answers for the same questions.

We are called to be tolerant and inclusive of all people. If we hold to only one solution, we are considered close-minded. If we hold to the fact that Jesus is the only way to heaven, we are considered as be exclusive of other people and are not relevant. If we take offence to the fact that certain religions declare war against Christianity, if we take a stand against this then we are being hatefully and not Christ like (see some of the post-links on the left for some of these thought lines. You'll have to read some the comments under the posts).

Are we too busy in deciding if we are relevant or not and then actually become un-relevant due to lack of action? Do we spend too much time in debate as to what the world needs to hear from us and fail to even tell them the simple gospel message? Do we spend too much time in "Aim, Target, Aim, Target, Aim, Target" and never finish the routine by firing? Are we too concern about what or how it will effect people's emotions and feelings that we have become a watered down functioning church? Do we spend too much time in debate among ourselves and fail to hear the voice of God? Are we too wrapped up in "what it can be" and fail to make it what it should be? Are we listening to the voices of giants and fail to hear the voice of the giant slayer?

Remember, the giant slayer who is calling out our name, only sees our giants as grasshoppers.

Let’s paint a picture in your mind. Picture a football game. The teams are stacked against each other on the field of play. Each is battling against the other for the score which will make them the winner.

You are the quarterback, the team leader on the field with the great responsibility of leading the team to the goal. All around the playing field, supporters of each team are sitting in the crowd. Those you know along with scores and scores of others you don’t are aggressively voicing their insights and proclamations. Through the many voices, you have trouble in finding that one voice, that one sound that one familiar proclamation that will give direction.

Your opposing team is taunting you with jeers. They try to paralyze you, to cause you to freeze so to be unable to complete the duty assigned. You look into their eyes and see an in-depth determination that causes you to shutter. An eeriness of insecurity begins to penetrate your soul. The front line seemingly begins to grow even larger. Your personal defenders in-like manner, get smaller, as like now you’re grasshoppers against giants.
Then you pause. You glance around. Then there it is. That one thing you were wondering if it was still available. That time and object which in the past has brought you clarity and surety. You now have it. It, being that familiar voice of your coach gently speaking in your ear through the direct connection that you share with him. This connection allows you to filter through all other voices. Allowing you to shut out and shut down the voices of taunting. It lifts and restores. It secures your resolve to win.

Oh how precious it is to hear that voice.

We too are in the game. It is the game of fulfilling the mission, securely and confidently given to us. The mission, you ask? It is: “To fulfill the Great Commission and to live out the Great Commandment.” The mission produces within us a vision of what can be and will be. It develops within us a resolve that governs and empowers all that we do. It brings us an urgency in which we can not rest until the game is over. We are set to do it. We are ready to take on the Giants.

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