Monday, April 2, 2007

Here Is God

This is an article that I place in our last monthly newsletter for our church. It is exciting to see God working among and through us. As you read through this, think of areas in your life in which you may be experiencing the unknown or new borders of new territority. Places of testing or the stretching your faith. Remember, "Here is God".

An interesting map is on display in the British Museum in London. It's an old mariner's chart, drawn in 1525, outlining the North American coastline and adjacent waters. The cartographer made some intriguing notations on areas of the map that represented regions not yet explored. He wrote: "Here be giants," "Here be fiery scorpions," and "Here be dragons." Eventually, the map came into the possession of Sir John Franklin, a British explorer in the early 1800s. Scratching out the fearful inscriptions, he wrote these words across the map: "Here is God."

Ahead of us are days and territories in which we have not been entered before. They have the potential to scare us away from processing what God has in store for us, as they did to the Israelites when they approached the Jordan River the first time. But let us remember that in these new places that God leads us into, “Here is God”.

We will be called to invest ourselves, our time, our talents and materials as we possess the new land. We will question our selves at times, wondering if we can do it. Will we be able to go beyond the known and walk beyond the boundaries into the unknown? We hear the voice of God calling us, but yet uncertainty rests in our minds. But let us remember that in these new places to which God calls us to enter, “Here is God”.

New opportunities will develop to share the glorious message of the Gospel. We will be called into new places of ministry and service. Lives will come across our paths that are looking for hope. Brokenness will be displayed. We will be challenged to show them the love of Christ in ways that will cause us to step outside of our comfort zone. Each time, the calling out of the church by the issuing of the Great Commission rings powerfully in our heart, yet fear will seem to try to paralyze us. But yet let us remember that in these new opportunities of service for the Kingdom, “Here is God”.

Here is God. What a glorious proclamation and reality. So what if there will be giants, fiery scorpions or dragons in the days ahead, God is there and we are in His hands.

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