Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Planning and Goal Setting in the Church

I have just finished this inter-active study for churches and ministry groups. I am waiting the final editing. The study is designed to be used in various styles and settings.

It can be presented in a seminar/workshop setting, to the planning/vision team of the church or it can be a self study. The leader’s guide will contain the text and a series of worksheets. The participants’ booklet will contain only the text. The worksheets may be copied for the original purchasing church to be used for their personal needs. The total study contains approximately 20 pages of text and 30 pages of worksheets and surveys.

To assist in maintaining the costs, this study is currently being self-published meaning that it is produced on normal stock paper without excessive binding. Also, it is produced on an as need basis.
(Click on the picture for a large view)

Still in the process of production is a PowerPoint® presentation and seminar worksheets.

I am currently scheduling a limited number of dates to do the workshops at your location. By going through the workshop venue, I am also available in assisting the church or ministry group in collating the data collected from the worksheets/surveys contained in the complete study. Also, if your wish to do the self study venue, I can still be available to assist in the collation of the data collected. Either way, I will present a summary report of the information which will contain charts, dialogue and relevant information to assist you in the development of your plans and goals for the church or ministry area.

The projected final release date is July 15, 2007 and the media portion projected for August 15, 2007.

If you are interested or desire further information, please contact me and I'll send it on to you.

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